On a rain drenched august day ...
she opened her eyes ...to the world ..
her world ..which was her mother just then ...
who held her close with tears in her eyes ..
held her till she could hold ...
coz she knew she wont be there ...
wont be there to take care of her ..
when she wud need it the most ...
Five years on ..
and she does nt still know ...
why people look at her with disdain ..
why noone s there to share her pain ..
the pain of losing her mother to a disease unknown ..
the pain of having noone in this world she could call her own .
Why there are questions in everyone s eyes ..
which she doesnt understand .. let alone answer ..
Why noone wants to touch her ..not even her friends ..
why she is so alone in this world ..
There s noone to share her grief ..
the grief which she knows nothing about ..
And as she fallls sick ..
there s noone to take care of her ...
some people who care .. take her to the hospital ..
she lives in pain and grief a little more ..
her last few days ..
spent .. like her life ...
a life .. which ended .. when it started ..
She never knew .. why she lived ..
she never knew why she died ..
she never knew .. why she had no life ..
she never knew she had AIDS